SGP-Speedway Grand Prix World Championship
03.05.2025 Landshut/Germany
16/17.05.2025 Warsaw/Poland
31.05.2025 Prague/Czech
13/14.06.2025 Manchester/GB
21.06.2025 Gorzow/Poland
05.07.2025 Malilla/Sweden
02.08.2025 Riga/Latvia
30.08.2025 Wroclaw/Poland
13.09.2025 Vojens/Denmark
Event Format
The format for a Grand Prix changed for the 2007 season onwards. Sixteen riders take part in each Grand Prix and over the course of twenty heats each rider will race against every other rider once. The top eight scorers advance to a semi-final and from each semi-final the 1st and 2nd placed riders will advance to the GP final.
In this format all rides counted towards Grand Prix points totals, including the semi-final and final, the maximum points for a single GP is 21 (5x heat wins, semi final win and final win). This scoring revision was introduced as a result of comments made during 2006 that the 4 finalists received too many points compared to the losing semi-finalists who in turn received little benefit compared to, say, the 9th placed non-qualifier.
Also, this format means that the winner of each Grand Prix may not have been the rider who scores most GP points from each round. The scoring system has been overhauled for the 2020 season which will see championship points scored based on the overall GP result of a rider rather than each individual heat of which those points will only decide the progress of a rider in a GP.